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Everaus Development Manager Kaur Kaasikmäe: We are preparing for an economic upswing

Kaur Kaasikmäe, the Development Manager at Everaus Kinnisvara, shared his thoughts and the company’s future plans on the Äripäev Radio morning programme. Discussions covered important issues like the commercial property market, the hidden fall in residential property prices and preparations for an economic upswing.

Speaking on the Tuesday morning programme on Äripäev Radio, Kaasikmäe said that the aforementioned preparations include buying new properties. “It’s a big investment,” he said, without specifying the amount. However, he did note that Everaus is looking for real estate in the centre of Tallinn, and that construction work on two projects will start soon.

Kaasikmäe was interviewed by Lauri Leet.

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