Founder and CEO of Everaus Kinnisvara Janar Muttik visited the morning programme of Äripäev Radio to talk about the company’s plans for the future, the real estate market, and the detailed planning procedure. The programme was hosted by Juhan Lang.
‘The real estate market and the entire development process is so long that our decisions today will affect us for more than five years,’ observes Janar Muttik, explaining the company’s decision to build more than 240 new homes in Rae rural municipality. According to Muttik, the crisis has been going on for several years, but Everaus Kinnisvara is consciously swimming against the tide and preparing for the economic upturn.
Muttik believes that the detailed planning procedure, which can take up to ten years, is the main obstacle to rapid development, making it much more resource-intensive. ‘The main problem is the lack of a specific person in charge. Information is scattered and forwarded between officials, but no one knows at what stage and whose desk the planning is at and how long the process will take,’ Muttik adds. He notes it is very positive that Tallinn is looking for a solution to this problem by appointing a specific person in charge of each detailed planning procedure in the future, who will mediate between the developer and other agencies.
Read more and listen to the recording of the morning programme HERE.