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Estonia’s first Youth Investment Camp spawns next-generation investment community

Last week, Estonia’s first Youth Investment Camp was held on the island of Viirelaid. The event was targeted at 10th and 11th grade students from around the country, aiming to increase their financial literacy and spawn the next generation of Estonia’s investment community.

Among those sharing their practical experience at the event were entrepreneur Raivo Hein, financial literacy guru Miljonineiu, Tuleva founder Tõnu Perk, Bilance founder Mihkel Vetemaa and from Everaus Kinnisvara both CEO Janar Muttik and Head of Investor Relations Jaak Roosaare, who was one of the camp’s organisers.

Janar joined Jaak, Karin Vinkel and Madis Pajo on a panel focusing on property development and investments. “Interacting with the youngsters at the camp, I realised again that they’re a very self-aware generation who are ready to take responsibility for their own quality of life,” says Janar. “The camp gave them the opportunity to meet new people, as well as to gain a lot of valuable and very practical information straight from the horse’s mouth. That will help them make better-informed financial decisions in the future. I really hope the camp becomes a tradition that continues to give young people the chance to become more money-smart.”

Janar and Jaak’s recommendations for youngsters interested in real estate can be found here.

Photo: Maria Roosaare